The Force Becomes Hated
By attempting to create the next installment of the Star Wars franchise J.J. Abrams had set himself up for one of the greatest challenges in blockbuster cinema history. The much beloved Star Wars franchise generates a unique kind of elitist fan that will settle for nothing other than the best. That is they want something that is both familiar and revolutionary. J.J. Abrams had realized that it would be impossible to create a Star Wars film that pleases everyone, so instead he just attempted to make what he thought was a good film but also felt like a Star Wars film. Fans want something that feels like the original but a young and forward thinking director like Abrams is needed to pour life back into the series. The themes, lore and characters must be true to what has already been established in Star Wars but the narrative shouldn’t be too close as it can then be criticized for being unoriginal. So often when the original director comes to continue their classic franchise after m...